(+99874) 228-11-21

ADC Library


ADC main office library.

A warm welcome to the Andijan Development Center Library and its web page.

The ADC Library is located at the Main Office of our center and houses various collections, an open computer lab, a quiet study room, group study rooms, a TV room and a copy center.

Today, our library is one of the biggest in our region with over 10,000 print volumes, wireless internet access and fully equipped computer terminals.The library’s collection includes books, reference works, journals and magazines, videos, DVDs and pamphlets. Currently registered library members and Andijan Development Center staff have priority access to the library. Moreover, we have done our best to provide an environment that is conducive to reading, self-study, research, consultation and collaboration. Whether you’re a student, a member of staff or a visitor, we hope that you’ll find the services and resources you need in order to make progress.

We’re truly proud to be part of the Andijan Development Non-Governmental Educational Institution where quality meets excellence.

Library Rules:

  • Be quiet.
  • Handle books with care.
  • Respect library members and staff.
  • Do not write or draw in the books.
  • No chewing gum.